Drop The Gym...Exercise From Home With This Simple & Effective Workout.

Learn How This 57 Year Old Woman Suffering From Deep Belly Fat, Activated Her Natural Metabolic Multipliers And Lost 37 Pounds And 30% Of Her Body Fat With This Unique 7-Minute S.I.T. Routine

*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors.

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In This Short Presentation You'll Learn:

  • How to switch on the body's natural metabolic multipliers and get the benefits of 45-minutes of exercise in just 7-minutes...
  • A simple 7-minute S.I.T. routine that can be done in the comfort of your own home, that can boost metabolism up to 48 hours after a workout.
  • A commonly recommended exercise to avoid, that causes the accumulation of deep belly fat.
  • The most common mistake people make when they begin to exercise that actually works against you when you are trying to trim down, tone up or just get healthy!

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One And Done Workouts

  • 14 Days of Follow Along S.I.T. Workout Combinations
  • Detailed "Demo" Videos To Ensure Perfect Form
  • In-Depth Exercise Combination "Manual"
  • Exclusive Member's ONLY Dashboard
  • Bonus 1: 10-Day "Done-For-You" Keto Reset
  • Bonus 2: 101- Detoxifying Red & Green Smoothie Recipes
  • 24-7 Support & Assistance!



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*Results will vary based on how long and how closely you follow the information presented, as well as other individual biological factors.

What is the One and Done Workout?

The One and Done Workout is a completely "done-for-you," at home workout system that utilizes a revolutionary training technique called S.I.T. This program takes the benefits of high-intensity interval training and condenses them down into faster and safer exercises. These low-impact, high reward workouts unlock your body's natural metabolic multipliers, giving you the benefit of 45-minutes of exercise in just 7-minutes. You'll also learn how to utilize everyday movements to get the lean and toned body you desire.


You see, normal high-intensity interval training workouts are jarring and damaging to the body. That is why Meredith Shirk, a certified personal trainer and weight loss and fitness nutrition specialist put together the The One and Done Workout Program. She was driven to share this important information... After working with thousands of clients over the past 10 years and experiencing life changing transformations, Meredith has found that the key to a sustainable and healthy weight doesn't have to do with age, fitness level or past injuries, but rather a unique set of movements and exercise combinations.

Peer-reviewed research references

- risk of sedentary lifestyle
- risks of a sedentary lifestyle
- high intensity good for the heart
- time spent online each day.
- Ironman Triathlon history
- obesity epidemic
- the One Minute Workout book
- effect of HIT on metabolism and skeletal muscle oxygen uptake/capacity.
- HIT and arthritis
- oxygen uptake in muscles